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Boys Bronco


Baseball Broncos Division Rules

Spring 2014

Field Dimensions

1. Distance between bases is 70’.

2. Distance from home to pitcher’s mound is 48’.

Legal Players 

1. May 1st 2001 through April 30th 2003


1. The bat will be manufactured specifically for baseball and will not be greater than two and five eighths inches (2 5/8”) in diameter at its thickest point

2. Metal cleats are NOT permitted. Rubber or plastic cleats are permitted.

3. Catchers MUST wear athletic supporters with protective cups. All other players are strongly encouraged to wear athletic supporters with protective cups.

4. Catchers must use a catcher’s mitt.

5. All uniforms worn in any game including pants, jerseys, and hats must be supplied or distributed by the board or their delegates. Each game a team plays with improper     equipment is a forfeit. A single player with lost or damaged equipment does not require a forfeit.


1. Weeknight games begin at 5:45 pm. Saturday & Sunday games will vary.

a. April 28th through May 15th - No inning starts after 7:45pm

b. May 16th through May 31st – No inning starts after 8:00pm

c. Month of June – No inning starts after 8:10pm

d. An inning starts when the last out of the previous inning has occurred

e. Saturday Games have a 2:15 minute time limit with a 2:30 minute hard stop.

f. Umpire will keep official start time.

g. If game is called for darkness, score will revert to the last full inning. It is the umpire’s judgment as to when the game should be called due to darkness or weather.

h.***Oswego Fields Only. For weeknight 5:30 games OHS#2 and OHS#3 with a 7:50 game following, there shall be no new inning after 1 hour and 50 minutes (7:20pm). There is a strict two hour time limit on all 5:30 games, which must end at 7:30. If the game is not over prior to or at 7:30, the final score is determined by the score of the previous inning. If it was a tie, then it is officially a tie. No new inning shall begin more than two hours after the starting time of the game. The actual, rather than the scheduled starting time shall be used as the beginning point to determine when the two hour limit has been reached. All play will conclude by 10:30pm. If the game has not reached a completed inning at 10:30 pm, the final score will revert back to the previously completed full inning. There is a strict two hour time limit on Saturday games with a hard stop at two hours, revert back to previous inning score.***Oswego Fields Only

2. Visiting team gets the field 20-30 minutes prior to the start of game. Home team gets the field 10-20 minutes prior to start of the game. No batting practice on the field,               prior to any game.

3. The Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout and supply 2 new game balls for each game. Home team will chalk field and put bases out.

4. Yorkville- 8 players are needed to start and play a game. If a team cannot field 8 players 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, the game is forfeited. Replacement               players may only be used to avoid forfeiture of the game when a team has or will have 8 players. The replacement players must be from YYBSA Boys Minors division.          Replacement players will bat at the end of the batting order. One team can only bring up the same player once during the season. These players may not pitch or               catch in the game.

5. If a player arrives after the game has started, he will be added to the end of the batting order.

6. A continuous batting order will be used. In other words all players bat, even if they are not playing the field at that time.

7. All players must play the field for a minimum of 3 innings, prior to the 5th inning, & a minimum of 5 innings before a complete game of 7 innings. Players may not sit out               consecutive innings.

8. Games will last for 7 innings. In the event of a weather related shorten game, (ie: by rain, lightning, darkness, or any other act of Mother Nature), an official game will be 4          complete innings

9. The home plate umpire will stand behind the catcher.

10. Slaughter rule- If a team is leading an opponent by at least 10 runs after 5 or more complete innings have been played, or after 4 ½ innings if the home team has a 10          run lead after the visiting team has batted in the top half of the inning, the game shall be terminated and the team in the lead shall be declared the winner. *** The               “Young Pitcher Rule” must have been fulfilled.

11. There is a maximum 7runs per half inning except for the 7th inning. 

12. Points will be awarded as follows: Win – 3 points, Loss – 0 points, 1- points Tie or Rain Out

13. A safety base is used at first base. The batter will run from home plate to the orange safety base. The defensive player may not block the orange safety base or                         otherwise interfere with the batters access to the safety base. The batter running to first base need not slide to reach the safety base if there is a play at first base.

14. Base runners advancing to any base, (except first) must slide if a play is made on that base. If the base runner does not slide in this situation, they are automatically               ruled out (umpire’s discretion). Player safety is the issue here and there will be NO exceptions to this rule.

15. Players must slide feet first going to a base. A player will be allowed to slide head first going back to a base.

16. Base runners may lead off.

17. Players may steal every base, including home.

18. A base runner may advance any number of bases on an overthrow if the ball stays in play. If the umpire rules the ball out of play, the runner gets one additional base.

19. A courtesy base runner for pitchers and catchers can be used at any time and are highly recommended to help speed up play. Courtesy runners must be the last                    recorded out. Pitchers and catchers are defined as those players fielding that position in the next half inning.

20. The batter, base runners, and players in the on deck circle are required to wear protective headgear. Helmets may not be removed until player has left the field of play.

21. Players warming up a pitcher, either on the field or off, must wear a catcher’s mask.

22. Players and coaches must remain in their respective bench area, on deck circle, or coach’s box during the game, and shall NOT be behind the backstop during the     game.

23. Infield fly rule applies. Runners advance at their own risk.

24. The strike zone is from the armpit to the top of the knee.

25. Umpires will monitor balks during games through May 31st and only issue warnings with the idea of teaching the rule. Balks will be enforced during games starting June          1st with each pitcher receiving one warning before enforcement of the rule.

26. Drop third strike will be used.

27. "Avoid Contact Rule." This rule states, "Any runner is out when the runner does not slide or attempt to avoid contact with a fielder who is in the act of fielding the ball at a          base."If a fielder at a base is about to receive a thrown ball, and if the ball is in flight directly toward and near enough to the fielder so that he or she must occupy his               position to receive the ball, he or she may be considered to be "in the act of fielding the ball. If the shoulder is dropped and the runner intentionally runs into the fielder,          he is automatically out and may face ejection. It will be of the discretion of the umpire if this player is allowed to continue playing.

28. No fake tags. 1st offense is a warning, the next time runner gets one extra base.

29. No slashing or faking to bunt then swinging away. Batter will be called out. No warning.

30. Players warming up a pitcher, either on the field or off, must wear a catcher’s mask.

31. For a player who becomes ill, is injured, is ejected, or who voluntarily removes himself from the game, the batting spot of the player so removed will be passed over and          will not be recorded as an out. The player many not re-enter the game once skipped over.

32. Players that were not in the line-up of a suspended game are eligible to play in the resumed game and must be added to the bottom of the batting order.

33. It is the manager’s responsibility to reschedule games with a request from the open field list on the website. Both team managers must email the request.


1. At least one pitcher from the younger age group (i.e. 11 years old ) must record a minimum of three outs during the first 4 innings in the course of regulation play (i.e. the          first 7 innings of play). Teams may utilize more than one pitcher from the younger age group for the purpose of complying with this rule, and the outs recorded by the          younger age group pitcher(s) need not be consecutive.

a. A team will be considered to have complied with the rule if a pitcher(s) from the younger age group pitches the entire inning in which the maximum allowable runs are scored by the opposing team before three outs have been recorded in the half inning.

b. A team will not be held in violation of this rule if an "Official" game is called because of darkness or weather before seven innings have been completed and the younger age group pitcher(s) has not yet fulfilled their minimum pitching requirements.

c. If a game is suspended before it becomes "Official", and a team has not yet fulfilled the younger age group pitcher(s) requirements, the team will be required to comply with the rule when the game is resumed.

d. The 11 year old pitcher fulfillment birth date cutoff is 4/30/2014. *** Yorkville and Oswego both follow this rule. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN A FORFEITURE OF THE GAME B Y THE OFFENDING TEAM.

2. Pitchers shall not pitch in more than 3 innings on the same calendar day. They may not pitch more than 10 innings per week. They must have 40 - hour rest after pitching     3 innings in one calendar day.

3. No pitcher may reenter game in the pitcher position at any time during that game.

4. After the 2nd visit in the same inning, the pitcher needs to be removed as the pitcher.

5. A pitcher is considered to have pitched an inning if he throws at least one pitch during an opposing team’s turn at bat.

6. Intentional walks are not allowed.

7. If any pitcher hits 3 batters in any one game he must be removed immediately.

8. Umpires will monitor balks during games through May 31st and only issue warnings with the idea of teaching the rule. Balks will be enforced during games starting June     1st with each pitcher receiving one warning before enforcement of the rule.


1. Umpires, in consultation with the coaches, shall decide whether to suspend a game for rain, inclement weather, or darkness.

2. Games shall be suspended when lightning is visible OR when the lightning detector warning activates. The warning alarm is a steady horn from the detector.

3. Games shall resume no earlier than 30 minutes after the last visible lightning strike OR the ‘all clear’ signal has been given by the lightning detector. The ‘all clear’ signal     is three short blasts of the horn. For fields near the detector, the ‘all clear’ signal will take precedence over the 30 minute threshold.


1. YYBS expects a high level of conduct from the coaches, players, and everyone else associated with the league. Please refer to the YYBS Code of Conduct document on     the YYBS web site for specific details on expected conduct and behavior as well as consequences and procedures for handling conduct violations. Please realize that we     take this very seriously and failure to follow the code of conduct can result in censure, suspension, or removal from the league.

2. Managers, coaches, players, and fans may not argue or complain about an umpire’s call. The umpire’s call is final, and should be respected by all involved. Any rule     interpretation or question should be directed to the league representatives.

3. The use of obscene language, gestures, fighting, or the deliberate throwing of equipment will result in immediate ejection and potential suspension.

4. If a coach or fan is ejected, they must leave the field of play and otherwise not be in attendance.

5. Umpire Action- Within 48 hours of any ejection, the home plate umpire must forward to the league director a written report detailing the offenses and all of the facts     leading up to and following ejection.

6. It is an obligation of managers and coaches for each team to address any unacceptable behavior by parents or fans sitting at the field. This is necessary because it is     often an unfair expectation of the umpires because of their age.

7. The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs in any form, by players or adult leaders in the dugout, on the benches, or on the playing field shall not be permitted.


1. The "Home" Team will keep the official score book.

2. Pitching statistics (names of pitchers and innings pitched) must be kept by both teams

3. The opposing manager or coach must approve each game's pitching statistics with his or hers initials.

4. Prior to the start of the game, the manager of each team shall give to the opposing manager a line-up card that lists the complete batting order, which includes the name,     number, and playing position of each starting player.

5. The home team must send an email to the league director with the final score and the umpires name within 24 hours of the completion of the game.

Yorkville Youth Baseball Softball Association

P.O. Box 134 
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Email : [email protected]
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